Sunday, October 10, 2010


Before this month started, I was truly hoping it was going to be an exceptional month.  It certainly HAD to be better than September was.  That month was forgettable.  Actually, that month needs to be blocked out completely.  So, here I am...ten days into October and it isn't any better than September was.  GAWD...

Yesterday I took my daughter Ally to the Cardinals Jr. Cheer practice.  She was finally old enough to participate.  Last year, she missed the age requirement by less than a week.  She wanted to follow in her cousin's footsteps and she was even "practicing" around the house for weeks.  The smile she had on her face yesterday more than made up for the ridiculous past 8 weeks I've been living.  She was having an experience of a lifetime.

Sad to then go to my son's football game where his obvious frustration over playing on a losing team had hit its limit.  I've never seen Riley want to quit something before.  Unfortunately, that time has come...

I should be sitting on a beach in Cabo right now with a drink in my hand.  Changes happen that are sometimes beyond our control.  Sometimes you'll never know why.

Telling someone you love, respect, and adore them isn't enough.  You need to SHOW them.  Always.  ALWAYS...

Full circle? We'll see...

Missing my 5th ONE.  More than I should...but I do.

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