Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Best Medicine

There is something to be said about the way children can play and laugh and have absolutely zero cares in the world except what their next snack might be.  Last night I watched my daughter revel in her after-dinner cookie as if it were the best thing she had ever tasted.  The smile and the satisfaction on her face was worth every one of the last 6 bites of her dinner I had to bribe her to consume. 

Why can't grown ups just willingly swallow our last 6 bites of whatever if we know something good is going to happen for us?  Eternally a pessimist?  Perhaps...Clearly I need to work on that.

This time I'm jumping in feet first so I can continue to breathe with my head above the water.  Then once the water calms I'll be relaxed enough to smile as if I too am enjoying that cookie.

Happy Sunday!

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